About KMbase
KMbase (Korean Medical database) is operated by the nonprofit Health Science Research Information Center
(MedRIC), founded in 1977 as a research information center project of the National Research Foundation of Korea.
KMbase, Korea's largest academic healthcare database provides over 602,500 bibliographic data and abstracts from more
than 874 kinds of journals in healthcare areas including medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and traditional Korean medicine.
KMbase aims to help researchers' easy access to literature from healthcare journals published through data gathered from
Korean populations, and, by greatly increasing citations of domestic research results, to contribute to academic development
in the areas of medical, nursing and dental sciences. The operating team of KMbase wants domestic healthcare articles to be
used easily and rapidly on a global scale.
KMbase, a database targeting all the healthcare journals published in the nation, doesn't have any specific standards to evaluate them.
This means that KMbase acknowledges the authority of academies and academic institutes publishing the journals. It also
accords with the Open Access policy of KMbase that whatever information in KMbase is open to the public.
KMbase tries to include articles of all the domestic journals in the healthcare area, and leaves the evaluation of its articles to the users.