KMID : 0374019780010040289
Ewha Medical Journal 1978 Volume.1 No. 4 p.289 ~ p.291
An Experience of Dermo-fat Graft to Asymmetric Breast
In addition to being an important functional organ, the female breast must ,be considered in the perspective of present-day social consciousness as a .-structure of considerable significance.
Modern reconstructive techniques have made possible the restitution of :adequate contour following surgery for benign lesions, reduction and augumen--cation mammaplasty. Dermo-fat graft is popularly applied for restoring body ¢¥contour and esthetic purpose.
This 2I-year-old female patient had history of surgiial resection due to large hema
ngioma on Ieft axillary region at 3-year-old - age,- followed-left- breast_ atrophy to scar contraction. It was augumented by dermofat graft from both buttock with over correction.
Author reported an experience and reviewed literatures.
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