KMID : 0374019840070040245
Ewha Medical Journal 1984 Volume.7 No. 4 p.245 ~ p.249
Relationship of Variable Deceleration and Fetal Outcome
The continuous fetal heart rate monitoring for assesment of fetal condition du-ring labor is contribute _ to decrease fetal mortality and morbidity and early detection of fetal distress.
Variable deceleration is most common fetal heart rate pattern.
The cause of variable deceleration are umbilical cord compression. It is classifed with mind, moderate and severe by the degree of decrease heart rate and duration of bradycardia.
An experience 42 -variable deceleration pattern among 108 high¢¥ risk pregnancy and the following results obtained.
1) The incidence of variable deceleration were 37% among 108 high risk pregnancy.
2) The incidence of fetal distress (Apgar score below) 6 in 1 minutes were 361% of mind variable deceleration, 50% of moderate, and severe variable deceleration.
3) The mean scalp PH were 7.3 in mild 7.25 in moderate variable deceleration.
4) The incidence of nuchal umbilical cord were 40% and the meconium stained amniotic fluid were 45%.
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