KMID : 0377619680150050389
Korean Jungang Medical Journal 1968 Volume.15 No. 5 p.389 ~ p.391
A Congenital Esophageal Stricture Due to an Ectopic Cartilaginous Ring
Congenital esophageal stricture is an infrequent cause of neonatal or infantile esophageal obstruction. Waterston and others (1962) have pointed out that many of the children in whom congenital stenosis of the esophagus was formerly diagnosed, in fact, have inflammatory strictures secondary to hiatus hernia and esophagitis.
Nevertheless, a certain number of congenital esophageal stricture do occur in the absence of hiatus hernia and/or esophagitis.
Case of congenital esophageal stenosis due to fibrous strictures and webs or lower esophageal ring (Schatzki¢¥s ring) have been described, though they are not common.
We have recently encountered a case of congenital stenosis of the esophagus caused by a ring containing cartilages and giving rise to the same clinical and radiological manifestations as those of achalasia.
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