KMID : 0377619710210050427
Korean Jungang Medical Journal 1971 Volume.21 No. 5 p.427 ~ p.431
Effects of Sciatic Neurectomy on Growing Bones of Rabbits
To study the effects of denervation can growth of bones, unilateral sciaticneurectomy was carried cut in twenty growing rabbits which weighed less than 500 grams. Growth of bones of the hind limbs was followed up by serial measurements of the length of the long bones. Comparison was made between the denervated hind limbs and normal ones in the same animals, and the following results were obtained.
1. Length of the bones(femur and tibia) in the sciatic neurectomized hind limbs remained longer than that of the normal or control limbs for several weeks after operation in eight rabbits.
2. In two animals, bones of the denervated limbs measured shorter than those of the control limbs at eighth and 12th weeks respectively-following the operation.
3. No definite discrepancy between the neurectomized limbs and the normal ones was observed in the remaining ten rabbits.
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