KMID : 0377619770330060679
Korean Jungang Medical Journal 1977 Volume.33 No. 6 p.679 ~ p.683
Chromosomal Study in Intersexual Patients
lntersexuality is a very interesting problem in urology. Herein we review
the cytogenetic findings in 25 patients with inter sexual problem found in
Yonsei Medical Center from 1974, March to 1977, June.
The observed findings are summarized as follows:
1. Out of the 25 patients with intersexuality problem, 20 cases showed nor-
mal karyotype and only 5 cases showed chromosomal aberration.
2. The 5 cases with chromosomal abnormality were numerical aberration
consisted of simple aneuploidy in 4 cases and mosaicism of 2 cell lines in
1 case.
Out of the 12 cases with clinical diagnosis of hermaphroditism, only 1 case with true hermaphroditism had a chromosomal mosaicism, 46, XY/XX and remaining 11 cases had normal karyotype.
4. Out of the 5 cases with clinical diagnosis of Klinefelter¢¥s syndrome, 3 cases had classic 47, XXY and 2 cases had normal karyotype-
5. Out of the 20 cases with normal karyotype, 4 cases had discrepancies in the genetic sex and sex of rearing.
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