KMID : 0380620220540010001
Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 Volume.54 No. 1 p.1 ~ p.7
Reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium by combined reaction of various photosensitizers with amino acids
Lee Eun-Bin
Hong Jung-Il
Riboflavin (Rb), in the presence of methionine (Met) under light, generates superoxide radicals that can reduce nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) to its corresponding formazan. The Rb-Met/NBT system has been used to measure the superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activities of various antioxidants. However, the reaction mechanisms have not been clearly defined, and the assay conditions are not consistent. In this study, the effects of different photosensitizers and amino acids on NBT reduction in different solvents were investigated. NBT reduction in the Rb-Met/NBT system was more pronounced in phosphate-buffered saline, compared to distilled water or Tris (pH 7.5); histidine (His) instead of Met also led to considerable Rb-induced NBT reduction. Among the photosensitizers, methylene blue with His caused potent NBT reduction in Tris. Rb-induced NBT reduction combined with Met or His was quantitatively inhibited by SOD or gallic acid, but did not affect MB-induced reduction sensitively.
nitro blue tetrazolium, superoxide anion, riboflavin, methylene blue, photosensitizer
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