KMID : 0390320100200020121
Chungbuk Medical Journal 2010 Volume.20 No. 2 p.121 ~ p.125
Gastric Lipoma in an Anemic Patient
Kil Min-Chul
Bae Il-Hun
Lipomas are benign tumors composed of mature adipose tissue which can be throughout the gastrointestinal tract, usually in a submucosal location. Gastric lipomas, however, are rare. Most are asymptomatic and found only incidentally. But on occasion, when the tumors are large, they may present with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage or obstruction. We experienced a case of gastric lipoma in a 63-year-old female who manifested as an episode of general weakness and anemia. And we present the findings with gastroscopy, US and CT.
Lipoma, Ulcer, Stomach, US, CT
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