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KMID : 0578319950050030248
Molecules and Cells
1995 Volume.5 No. 3 p.248 ~ p.252
TRH Stimulation of Human thyrtropin ¥á-Subunit Gene Expression Independent of de Novo Protein synthesis
Kim, Dong Sun
Yoon, Jeong Ho/Ahn, Seung Kril/Seong, Rho Hyun/Kim, Kyoon eon/Hong, Seung Hwan/Park, Sang Dai
Hormonal regulation of gene expression involves the interaction(s) of trans-acting factors with specific DNA elements. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), tripeptide hypothalamic hormone, is known to stimulate the transcription of the thyrotropin (TSH) ¥á-subunit gene in pituitary cells. Our previous studies showed that at least two different regions (TRHRE D and P) were required for the transcriptional stimulation by TRH and that a 32 kDa Pit-1-like protein bound to TRHRE D motif, In this report the work was extended to further understand the DNA-protein interaction involved in the transcriptional regulation by TRH. Treatment of cells with cycloheximide did not inhibit the transcriptional activation of TSH ¥á gene by TRH. TRH did not increase the pit-1 mRNA level. Besides, Southwestern blotting showed that a 43 kDa cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREB) bound to TRHRE P and its binding activity was not changed by TRH treatment, which was similar to the nitrocellulose filter binding result. The present study may provide a clue to understand the regulatory mechanism(s) underlying the TSH ¥á gene expression by TRH.
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