KMID : 0617819910010010013
Journal of Wonkwang Oriental Medicine 1991 Volume.1 No. 1 p.13 ~ p.18
A Study on the Productive Mechanism and Symptom-Complex Han-Yeal(Cold and Heat) in Oriental Medicine
It is well known that Oriental medicine has a characteristic system of theory and superior remedial value. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the vague Oriental medical concepts for its objectification and clinical application.
Han and Yeal were recognized as a part of climate changes in the first stage of Oriental medicine, Gradually, they have been applied to the medial concepts such as the metabolic principle and nature of diseases. Han, yin is recognized as the decline of physiological function, reduction of defense and induces metabolic abnormal depression. Yeal, yang is recognized as the acceleration of body function, inflammatory disease and induces metabolic abnormal stimulation.
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