KMID : 1007520000090060382
Food Science and Biotechnology 2000 Volume.9 No. 6 p.382 ~ p.386
Changes of Salinity and Bending Force in Winter Baechu during Brine Salting
Han, Eung Soo
Koo, Bon Youl
To compare the texture measuring method of salted baechu the leaves of baechu were salted in brine and texture was measured as bending, compression and cutting force. The bending force was selected as an appropriate texture measuring method for salted baechu through the results of determination coefficient (r©÷= 0.709) and regression analysis (y = -0.563x + 2.300) between salinity and bending force during the brine salting of winter baechu. The salinity of salted baechu was optimum at 2.0% in 20% brine at 15¡É for 6 hr brine salting, and was increased to 2.27% at 25¡É, 2.57% in 30% brine, and 2.61 % with 9 hr brine salting. The bending force of salted baechu was 1.22 kgf under the same conditions, but decreased to 0.60 kgf at 25¡É, 0.91 kgf in 30% brine, and 1.06 kgf with 9 hr brine salting. The optimum bending force of salted baechu was determined to be 1.17 kgf through the regression equation.
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