KMID : 1007520020110060690
Food Science and Biotechnology 2002 Volume.11 No. 6 p.690 ~ p.693
Relative Potency Factors Derived from NOAELs for Assessing Cumulative Risk of Pesticides
Lee Mi-Gyung
Oral relative potency factors (RPFs) were derived from no-observed-adverse-effect levels (NOAELs) of pesticides sharing acetylchloinesterase (AChE) inhibition as a common toxic mechanism. The oral NOAELs for brain AChE inhibition in a rat, regardless of sex, were taken from the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR)¢¥s toxicological database. Twenty-one organophosphorus pesticides and three carbamates were examined, among which appropriate NOAELs were presented for twenty-three pesticides. RPFs were calculated from these NOAELs and compared with other RPFs based on BMD_10(benchmark dose where cholinesterase activity is reduced by 10% compared to the background activity) proposed by US EPA. Some pesticides showed significant differences in magnitude between the two RPFs.
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