KMID : 1007520180270020467
Food Science and Biotechnology 2018 Volume.27 No. 2 p.467 ~ p.477
Antibiotic resistance, biochemical typing, and PFGE typing of Bifidobacterium strains commonly used in probiotic health foods
Xu Feili
Wang Junping Guo Yunchang Fu Ping Zeng Huawei Li Zhigang Pei Xiaoyan Liu Xiumei Wang Shuo
This study firstly analyzed the antibiotic resistance, biochemical typing, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing of 45 Bifidobacterium strains commonly used in health foods. Most strains were resistant to antibiotics but their antibiotic resistance rates were not high: Fos (56.52%), TET (43.48%), CRO (21.74%), AMC (15.22%), GEN (13.04%), RIF (10.87%), CHL (8.7%), CTX (6.52%), VAN (4.35%), and ERY (4.35%). The 45 strains could be divided into 14 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis types, of which the strain numbers of six pulsed-field gel electrophoresis types were more than one. All the Bifidobacterium strains could be divided into nine types by API50CHL biochemical identification. The same species displayed same biochemical typings, expect for B. animalis. Furthermore, the results confirmed that the same pulsed-field gel electrophoresis-type strains had closer antibiotic resistance patterns, and the same biochemical-type strain also had similar antibiotic resistance patterns.
Bifidobacterium, Antibiotic resistance, Biochemical typing, Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, Probiotic health foods
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