KMID : 1011720200130020170
International Journal of Thyroidology 2020 Volume.13 No. 2 p.170 ~ p.174
An Unusual Case of Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Misidentified as Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer
Ko Hye-Mi
Kim Je-Ryong
Metastases from other organs to the thyroid are considered to be extremely rare. Among thyroid malignancies, anaplastic thyroid cancer exhibits similar features to a number of other cancers and can therefore be easily misdiagnosed. In addition to the fine needle aspiration commonly used for assessing thyroid lesions, metastatic tumors and primary thyroid cancers can be distinguished through approaches such as immunohistochemistry, taking into consideration the possibility of other primary cancers. Here, we present a case of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer that was misidentified as anaplastic thyroid cancer and discuss its diagnosis and treatment.
Thyroid cancer, Non-small cell lung carcinoma, Metastasis
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