KMID : 1022520230270010001
Journal of Play Therapy 2023 Volume.27 No. 1 p.1 ~ p.15
Changes in family roles due to changes in social structural intimacy and a study on the necessity of parent education for family communication
Yun Young-Kyoung
Parents of school-age children should actively support their children to lead a healthy family life and have the necessary capabilities for the future society by playing the role of child education and socialization in the scope of home education. However, the structure, relationships, and values of the family in modern society are different from traditional society, and the role of parents must also be adapted and performed according to social changes, but the formation of parent-child relationships and family dysfunction are weakened. The importance and necessity of parental education were discussed in this study by analyzing family changes and the resulting family policy according to changes in social structural intimacy, and by redefining the role of desirable parents. Therefore, we would like to look at family intimacy in the private sector, women's role in the public sector, and parents' role in the current state of family social change and family policy and find ways to communicate with current family members.
changes in family roles, family policy, parent education, parental role, communication, intimacy
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