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KMID : 1023620060300020099
Reproductive and Developmental Biology
2006 Volume.30 No. 2 p.99 ~ p.105
Morphological Assessment of Ovulated and In Vitro Immature Canine Oocytes and Biological Availability according to the Size at Different Reproductive Stages
Hossein Mohammad-Shamim

Kim Min-Kyu
Jang Goo
Fibrianto Yuda-Heru
Oh Hyun-Joo
Kim Hyeon-Jin
Kim Joung-Joo
Kang Sung-Keun
Lee Byeong-Chun
The growing oocytes become progressively capable of resuming meiosis, and full meiotic competence appear when they are about 80% of the size of fully grown oocytes. As hormonal influences vary at different stages of reproductive cycle, the size of oocytes may vary according to the reproductive stages. The present study was designed to compare the diameter between the ovulated and freshly collected immature canine oocytes. The ovulated oocytes were collected 72 hr after ovulation by oviductal tube flushing by laparotomy under general anesthesia. Immature oocytes were collected by ovarian slicing method. Diameter of all oocytes was measured directly using epiflurescence microscope with a calibrated micro-eyepiece micrometer at magnification. The thickness of zona pellucida and diameter of cytoplasm were measured separately and recorded. A total of 2209 zona intact oocytes were collected, among them 628 from anestrus, 675 from follicular, 838 from luteal and 68 by fallopian tubes flushing methods. The average number of oocytes was 104.7, 168.8, 119.7 and 11.3 for anestrus, follicular, luteal and fallopian tubes flushing methods, respectively. The average diameters of the ooplasm and oocyte were significantly varied in different reproductive stages as well as with ovulated oocytes (P<0.05). The average diameter of ooplasm and oocyte was 115.6 and 127.7, 143.0 and 162.0, 134.6 and 150.6, 159.6 and 185.6 for anestrus, follicular, luteal and ovulated oocytes, respectively. Highest number of oocytes with larger diameter could be collected from the follicular and luteal stages. In conclusion, the follicular and luteal ovaries are the best sources of oocytes for canine IVM.
Reproductive stage, Maturation, Oocyte, Diameter, Canine
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