KMID : 1024520170260080993
Journal of the Environmental Sciences 2017 Volume.26 No. 8 p.993 ~ p.998
The Seasonal Impacts of De-icing Salts on Soil and Vegetation in Chung-ju City
Kim Jae-Young
Park Ju-Young Yoon Yong-Han Ju Jin-Hee
De-icing salts applied to roads during winter enable safe driving conditions. However, these salts are eventually displaced to roadside areas at which they can negatively impact soil, vegetation, and water resources. This purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between foliar damage ratio (NY = 0-25%, SY = 26-50%, CY = 51-75%) on roadside trees (Ginko biloba) and seasonal impact of de-icing salts on soil and vegetation. Thirty roadside trees were selected at 8 m intervals between the Konkuk and Judeok intersections in Chung-ju city. The results reveal that seasonal soil acidity is relatively alkaline for foliar damage ratio of Ginko biloba was CY compared to NY. Also, electronic conductivity of each seasonal sampling was recorded as high in winter and spring, whereas the opposite trend is observed in summer. Various plants species were identified in abundance under roadside trees within NY roadside sections. These same species were observed in reduced numbers within CY sections. Strong negative correlations were identified between foliar damage ratio on roadside trees and vegetation. This relationship may be a method to use in predicting the accumulation of de-icing salt and visible injuries on roadside trees.
Deicing salt, Electronic conductivity, Foliar damage, Roadside tree, Soil-plant continuum
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