KMID : 1031120170070010057
Journal of Epilepsy Research 2017 Volume.7 No. 1 p.57 ~ p.59
Palinacousis-Auditory Perseveration
Park Soo-Hyun
Kim Kwang-Ki
Palinacousis is an auditory illusion rarely reported in cases of temporal lobe dysfunction. After reviewing the literature and comparing our clinical experience, we believe that palinacousis can occur as an aura, a simple partial seizure, a complex partial seizure, and/or a postictal event. Palinacousis maybe more common than recognized in patients with receptive aphasias or diffuse cerebral dysfunction, whose language deficits preclude adequate description. We report the case of a 71 years old man with the previously diagnosis of an infarction of left middle cerebral artery and valvular heart disease who presented with the symptoms of palinacousis. He was not diagnosed psychotic diseases. An electroencephalography showed normal wave. He was diagnosed as temporal lobe epilepsy with palinacousis due to post-stroke. Palinacousis was completely reversed after treatment with antiepileptic drug. We report that palinacousis as an epileptic phenomenon can help localized potential lesions and can improve patient care.
Palinacousis, Post-stroke seizure, Temporal lobe epilepsy, Electroencephalography
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