KMID : 1035520220100030200
Brain Tumor Research and Treatment 2022 Volume.10 No. 3 p.200 ~ p.205
Cerebral Metastases in Appendiceal Cancer: Comprehensive Review and Report of Rare Medullary Carcinoma Histology
Mackel Charles
Rosenberg Harry Varma Hemant Vega Rafael Stippler Martina
Appendiceal cancer is an extremely rare malignancy, and its metastatic spread to the brain is even more unusual. We describe a 47-year-old female who presented with a rare cerebral appendiceal carcinoma metastasis, a case that is further remarkable for representing the first histologic diagnosis of primary medullary carcinoma in the appendix. Based on a comprehensive review of the English literature using PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar, only six other cases of cerebral appendiceal metastases have been described.
Appendiceal cancer, Brain tumor, Medullary carcinoma, Metastasis
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