KMID : 1039020230460040015
The Ewha Medical Journal 2023 Volume.46 No. 4 p.15 ~ p.15
The Recent Surgical Treatment of Elbow Pain
Erica Kholinne
Jeon In-Ho Kwak Jae-Man
The review article explores recent advances in the surgical treatment of elbow pain, a common ailment that can significantly impair daily functioning. With a surge in elbow-related conditions such as tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, and nerve compression disorders, the necessity for surgical approaches has become paramount. This article provides an overview of the cutting-edge procedures now available, including minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery. These modern methods have been shown to significantly reduce recovery times and improve overall patient outcomes. The combination of surgical management and targeted rehabilitation ensures a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan for patients with various elbow pathologies. This article aims to shed light on these recent surgical interventions and their potential for advancing the management of elbow pain, emphasizing the ongoing trend toward precision, efficiency, and patient-centered care.
Elbow, Tennis elbow, Elbow tendinopathy
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