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KMID : 1101620240350010001
2024 Volume.35 No. 1 p.1 ~ p.6
Review of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
Kim Myo-Jing
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) is defined as respiratory distress in newborn infants born through meconium-stained amniotic fluid whose symptoms cannot be otherwise explained. MAS is characterized by hypoxemia, hypercapnia and acidosis that continues to be associated with significant morbidities and mortality. Worldwide, the incidence has declined due to improved obstetric and perinatal care. The pathophysiological mechanism of MAS include perinatal hypoxia, acute airway obstruction, pulmonary and systemic inflammation, surfactant inactivation and persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Respiratory and hemodynamic supports are main therapies for MAS. Early identification and appropriate management of PPHN is important as it associates with significant mortality and morbidities. This review suggests a comprehensive overview of the epidemiology, diagnosis, management, prognosis and prevention of MAS.
Meconium aspiration syndrome, Newborn
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