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KMID : 1101620240350010022
2024 Volume.35 No. 1 p.22 ~ p.26
Hydrops Fetalis after Fetal Exposure to Maternal Chemotherapy: A Case Report
Yoon Ji-Hye

Shin Seung-Han
Kim Ee-Kyung
Kim Han-Suk
Hydrops fetalis (HF) is a complex fetal complication with diverse etiologies. It is commonly classified into immune and non-immune forms, with well-established etiologies of non-immune HF (NIHF) including cardiovascular, chromosomal, and hematologic abnormalities. However, there have been cases of idiopathic NIHF lacking a clear underlying cause, prompting ongoing research. In this case report, we present a compelling association between the administration of chemotherapeutic agents during pregnancy and the development of NIHF. This report describes a unique case of HF in an infant born to a mother diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia during pregnancy. The mother received chemotherapy at 26 weeks of gestation. The neonate initially presented with generalized edema, pericardial effusion, and ascites that resolved with appropriate supportive care. Prompt identification of the underlying causes of HF is crucial for prognostic assessment and implementation of effective management strategies. Therefore, considering maternal chemotherapy as a potential contributing factor to NIHF is of importance.
Hydrops fetalis, Anthracyclines, Cytarabine, Leukemia
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