KMID : 1148220100060010051
Journal of Arts Psychotherapy 2010 Volume.6 No. 1 p.51 ~ p.79
A Study on the Development of Child Anxiety Scale
Koh In-Sook
Lee Suk-Hee
The purpose of this study was to develop a method measuring children's anxiety level. First, this scale is compaed to other scales and diagnostic systems. The target on this study was consist of total 2234 elementary school children, and the collected data from the survey was processed for analysis by using 17.0 spss. The result of this study is as follows: Firstly, w have verified to constructed validity, convergent validity and the concurrent validity for the validity of the scales developed in this study. The result showed that many of the items in the scale appeared to be plausible, the two items with lower factorial loadings values were excluded. And the verification of the reliabilty also revealed Cronbach's coefficient alpha and test-retest reliability of the scale is also formidable. Consequently this Child Anxiety Scale is constructed 32 items with 6 subscale as 'separated anxiety', 'social anxiety', 'generalized anxiety', 'obsessive-compulsive anxiety', 'panic anxiety', and 'test anxiety'. And it is demonstrate excellent validity and reliability to use research for child anxiety study.
Child Anxiety Scale, Constructed Validity, Convergent Validity, Concurrent, Validity, Reliability
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