KMID : 1161520000040020141
Animal Cells and Systems 2000 Volume.4 No. 2 p.141 ~ p.144
Effects of deamido-NAD+ on self?splicing of primary transcripts of phage T4 thymidylate synthase gene
Park In-Kook
Effects of deamido?NAD+ on self?splicing of primary transcripts of the phage T4 thymidylate synthase gene (td) was investigated. The self?splicing was not affected by deamido?NAD+ at concentrations up to 2 mM. However, it began to decrease at 5 mM and the formation of splicing products such as the linear intron, intron?exon 2 and exon 1?exon 2, was slightly reduced. At 20 mM the self?splicing activity was almost completely abolished. This analog of the coenzyme NAD* inhibits the self?splicing of td intron RNA although it does not possess a guanidine group in its structure. The analysis of inhibitory concentrations and structural examination suggests that the key structural features of deamido?NAD+ responsible for the inhibition of splicing may be the ADP?ribose moiety.
T4 phage, td intron, Deamido-NAD+, Self-splicing, NAD+ inhibition
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