KMID : 1161520010050040291
Animal Cells and Systems 2001 Volume.5 No. 4 p.291 ~ p.297
Taxonomy of symbiotic dinoflagellates associated with Korean anthozoans
Song Jun-Im
Lim Hyo-Suk
Three species of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, zooxanthellae, are investigated from six host species of anthozoans from Korea. Three unrecorded endosymbionts species are Symbiodinium kawagutii, Symbiodinium micro?adriaticum, and Symbiodinium sp. Symbiodinium kawagutii is associated with Alveopora japonica, Anthopleura japonica and Parasicyonis actino?stoloides, Symbiodinium microadiraticum is found in Anthopleura kurogane and Parasicyonis sp. Unlike the former two symbionts, Symbiodinium sp. is associated with Anthopleura midori.
Endosymbiosis, Symbiotic dinoflagellates, Zooxanthellae, Anthozoans
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