KMID : 1161520040080040267
Animal Cells and Systems 2004 Volume.8 No. 4 p.267 ~ p.280
Three new species of collocheres (copepoda, siphonostomatoida, asterocheridae) associated with crinoids and ophiuroids from Korea
Shin Sook
Kim Il-Hoi
Three new species of Collocheres are described as associates of crinoid and ophiuroid echinoderms from Cheju Island, Korea: Collocheres brevipes n. sp. from the crinoids Comanthus solaster A. H. Clark and Decametra tigrina (A. H. Clark); C. solidus n. sp. from two species of the crinoids Comanthus solaster and Comanthus japonicus (Muller) and one species of ophiuroid?Ophiomastax mixta (Lutken); and C. tamladus n. sp. from the crinoid Catoptometra rubroflava (A. H. Clack). The three species are distinguished from one another and other congeners by the body size, dimension of caudal ramus and free segment of leg 5, and shape and ornamentation of urosome.
Collocheres, New species, Asterocheridae, Crinoidea, Ophiuroidea, Association, Korea
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