KMID : 1161520050090020075
Animal Cells and Systems 2005 Volume.9 No. 2 p.75 ~ p.78
Effects of fungicides and bioagents on seed Mycoflora, growth and yield of watermelon
Bharath B. G.
Lokesh S. Shetty H. S.
Fungicides and antagonists were tested for their efficacy in the management of fungal pathogens of watermelon. The fungal species in different genera were isolated from the seeds of watermelon and their vulnerability was assessed against an array of chemicals and bio?agents. Among the fungal pathogens, Fusarium species were effectively controlled by Bavistin. Topsin also showed the promising effects against all the fungal pathogens, and Dithane M?45 effectively controlled Didymella bryoniae. Seed treatment with antagonists like Trichoderma harzianum and T. viride improved the seed germination, seedling vigour and reduced the incidence of seed?borne fungal pathogens. Bavistin and Topsin among chemicals increased significantly the seed germination and vigour index. Trichoderma harzianum showed its efficacy against all Fusarium species and even stood effective than Captan and Blitox. However, Pseudomonas fluorescens also showed promising effect against Didymella bryoniae over fungicides. Under field condition, Topsin and Dithane M?45 showed better yield than Bioagents.
Watermelon, fungicides, bio-agents, seed mycoflora, seed germination
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