KMID : 1161520120160050425
Animal Cells and Systems 2012 Volume.16 No. 5 p.425 ~ p.430
Evolution under unpredictable environmental conditions: quantitative genetics of larval life-history traits in a myobatrachid frog Crinia georgiana
Smith Michael J.
Jang Yi-Kweon
The southwestern Australian frog Crinia georgiana (Anura; Myobatrachidae) inhabits ephemeral pools in which the tadpoles often face desiccation. Under these conditions selection on tadpoles can be severe and can directly affect fitness during the aquatic as well as the terrestrial developmental stages. A quantitative genetic study using a half-sib breeding design was conducted to understand the genetic effects on larval life-history traits. We found no significant additive genetic variance in any of larval traits. Except for hatching period, heritability estimates based on females were high in egg size, larval period, snout-vent length, and weight at metamorphosis, suggesting non-additive genetic effects. These results indicate that any response to selection during hatching and larval periods should be predominately governed by non-additive genetic effects in C. georgiana.
additive genetic variation, larval period, maternal effect, multiple mating
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