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KMID : 1239920100040060449
Nutrition Research and Practice
2010 Volume.4 No. 6 p.449 ~ p.454
Early nutrition and adult health: Perspectives for international and community nutrition programs and policies
Hoffman Daniel J.

Recent economic changes throughout the world, either development or crises and recessions, have prompted a host of nutrition related problems, including a decreased prevalence of undernutrition, an increase in the prevalence of diet related diseases, widespread food insecurity as crop prices increase, and so on. In addition, evidence is mounting that suggests that exposure to poor nutrition early in life is a predisposing factor for chronic diseases in adulthood. Thus, the role of international or community nutrition professionals is vital to not only studying and understanding the interplay between economics, food policy, and health, but also to improving the ability to intervene and prevent many problems related to food insecurity in developed and developing countries. The purpose of this review is to outline and describe these issues as a means to open discussion on how to best alleviate major nutrition problems in the world.
Undernutrition, developmental origins, double burden, economics, community nutrition
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