As a study to measure the total content of fluoride from food among Koreans for the determination of optimum fluoride ion concentration of artificial water fluoridation programme, the fluoride concentrations in 36 different brands of tea infusions or teas contained in cans were analyzed. Among 36 brands, 27 brands were composed with dry leaves alone or mixture of tea dry leaves and unpolished rice and 9 brands were the liquid products contained in cans. The total brands included products of green teas, oolong teas and black teas. The infusions of teas were made with dry leaves alone or mixture of tea dry leaves and roasted unpolished rice. Dry leaves alone or mixture of tea dry leaves and roasted unpolished rice were placed in separate individual porcelain cups by 2 grams, each of which contained 100 ml of deionized, distilled water preheated to 80-85t for 2 or 5 minutes. The fluoride concentrations of tea infusions and liquid teas contained in cans were analyzed at room temperature.
The obtained results were as follows.
1. Mean concentration of fluoride in infusions of green teas was 0.71 ppm in damp-proof packages and 1.78 ppm in tea bags at the first elution for 2 minutes.
2. Mean concentration of fluoride in infusions of black teas was 1.83 ppm. However, fluoride concentration in a brand of black tea was reached to 3.34 ppm at the first elution for 2 minutes.
3. Mean concentration of fluoride in infusions of green teas was 1.32 ppm in the green teas composed with only dry leaves and 1.75 ppm in the mixtures with dry tea leaves and roasted unpolished rice at the first elution for 2 minutes.
4. The weight of teas in tea bags was a little different among them. Mean fluoride concentration in infusions of teas contained in tea bags was 1.06 ppm in green teas and 1.84 ppm in black teas at the first elution for 2 minutes.
5. Fluoride concentrations in infusions of green teas were a little different by place of origin. Conclusionally, teas may be recommended as a material to supply fluoride for the prevention of dental caries, especially root caries in old aged people.