The purpose of this study was to obtain basic data for development of oral health program in preschool children. Experience of dental caries in primary dentition was surveyed decayed, missing, and filled primary teeth in 1,050 preschool children at age from 2- to 5-year-olds living at urban area, Daegu city, and 1,050 preschool children living at rural area, near-by Daegu city by WHO crireria. From the data, dmf rates, caries free rates, dmf indices, dt rates, rat rates, ft rates of each age, gender and area were calculated, and discussed.
The obtained results were as follows
1. The dmf rates and dmft indices of preschool children showed a tendency to increase as proportion to
age, but caries free rates to decrease as proportion to age in both urban and rural area.
2. The dmf rates and draft indices of preschool children were higher in males than in females, but caries
free rates higher in females than in males in both urban and rural area.
3. The dmf rates and dmft indices of preschool children were higher in rural area than in urban area , but caries-free rates higher in urban area than in rural area.
4. The dt rates showed a tendency to decrease as proportion to age, were higher in males than in females, and higher in rural area than in urban area.
5. The mt rates showed a tendency to increase as proportion to age, and showed no difference between areas and genders..
6. The ft rates showed a tendency to increase as proportion to age, and were higher in urban area than in rural area, but showed no difference between genders.
7. Water fluoridation, professional fluoride application program in Public Health Center, and pit and fissure sealant program will be developed, and diet regulation and control of dental hygiene in home will be educated and practiced to prevent dental caries in primary dentition.
8 Annual incremental dental care program for preschool children will be developed to treat dental caries in primary dentition at early stage,