Local drug delivery system by using biocompatible polymers has been developed in the treatment of periodontitis for many years. In the field of dental therapy, doxycycline is usually a first choice because of its broad-spectrum antibiotic.
The strip must release antibiotics for minimum a week, and also, the polymer should be degradable after a week.
The purpose of this study was to consisting the preparation and evaluation of chitosan strip, chitosan strip containing nanoparticles and to examine the dissolution of the prepared samples containing doxycycline hydrochloride in vitro. Chitosan strip, PCL strip and chitosan strip containing nanoparticles round and it¢¥s surface was smooth and semitransparent. Caliper of strip was 300 ¡¾ 10 um and 400 ¡¾ 15 um for PCL strip, chitosan strp and chitosan strip containing nanoparticles, respectively.
Nanoparticles were prepared by precipitation method. Release rate of doxycycline hydrochloride from the strip was measured by means of a HPLC. The release of. doxycycline hydrochlorid from chitosan strip was very rapid. The profiles of release of chitosan strip containing nanoparticles were similar to PCL strip.
These results showed that, by chitosan strip containing nanoparticles, it is feasible to obtain substained release of the drug within the periodontal pocket for seven days. It should be improve for local drug delivery system for treatment of periodontal disease and could be a good candidate for periodontal strip.