KMID : 0355420000240040441
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health 2000 Volume.24 No. 4 p.441 ~ p.449
Results of dental caries survey of elementary school children in Ulanbator city at Mongol, in 1997
This survey was implemented at the elementary schools in urban and periurban area of Ulanbator city at Mongol in 1997. A total of 787 children, 390 in periurban and 397 in urban, were examined.
As two elementary schools were selected, one was located in urban area, and the other in periurban area. Oral examination was conducted by 3 Mongolian dentists and 2 Korean dentists. The dentists have calibrated repeatedly for high interexaminer reliability till Kappa value is equal to 0.8. NIDR¢¥ s diagnosis criteria was used when dental caries was measured with dental explorer and mirror under natural illumination. Dental caries status, oral hygiene status, and toothbrushing frequency were investigated as included variables.. Data were analyzed using the SAS (Ver 6.04) statistical packages. Results were as follows;
1. The prevalence of dental caries of Mongolian children who were twelve years old was 75 percent. And the prevalence was slightly lower than that of Korean children.
2. Twelve-year-old schoolchildren¢¥s DMFT and DMFS indexes of Mongol were 1.9 and 4.4 respectively. These were lower than those of Korean schoolchildren.
3. The frequencies of DMFS in urban school were composed of 70 percentage of DS, 12 percentage of FS, and 18 percentage of MS, otherwise those in periurban school consisted of 82% of DS, 3% of FS, and 15% of MS. There¢¥s a remarkably different FS between urban and periurban schoolchildren.
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