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KMID : 0355420210450030151
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health
2021 Volume.45 No. 3 p.151 ~ p.155
3D motion analysis of cervical spine joints of dental hygiene students and dental hygienists during scaling operation
Lee Ka-Yeon

Kim Ji-Hee
Objectives: This study aimed to objectively evaluate factors associated with musculoskeletal disorders by measuring the range of motion of the cervical spine. Using three-dimensional motion analysis, the degree of flexion, lateral flexion and rotation were compared between dental hygiene students and dental hygienists during dental scaling.

Methods: Muscle activity in the range of motion of the cervical vertebrae was measured in 35 dental hygiene students and 15 dental hygienists while scaling. Data were collected and processed using the biofeedback exercise function of the 2EM (4D-MT, Relive, Gimhae, Korea), an electromyography measuring device. A three-dimensional motion analysis sensor was attached to the subject¡¯s right external auditory canal, and the joint angle was measured at 20 Hz.

Results: Cervical flexion (15¡Æ-45¡Æ) was measured higher in dental hygienists than in students. Cervical flexion within 15¡Æ of the normal range was higher in students than in dental hygienists. For cervical lateral flexion of 15¡Æ-45¡Æ and >45¡Æ, dental hygienists measured higher than students. In contrast, cervical lateral flexion within 15¡Æ of the normal range was higher among students than dental hygienists. Cervical rotation (15¡Æ-45¡Æ) was measured higher in dental hygienists than in students. No dental hygienist¡¯s cervical rotation measured over 45¡Æ, and more students reached the 45¡Æ measurement than dental hygienists.

Conclusions: Flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation were measured higher in dental hygienists then dental hygiene students. The results indicated that the range of motion of the cervical spine in the two groups exceeded the average scores for normal flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation by more than 15¡Æ, thereby increasing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.
3D motion analysis, Cervical spine joints, Dental hygienist, Musculoskeletal disorder
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