KMID : 0356720000160020125
Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology 2000 Volume.16 No. 2 p.125 ~ p.130
A Case of Secondary Amyloid Colitis in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Cho Jae-Wan
Chae Hiun-Suk Lim Kuk-Hee Kim Tae-Ho Lee Kang-Moon Kim Sung-Soo Lee Chang-Don Choi Gyu-Yong Chung In-Sik Sun Hee-Sik Maeng Lee-So An Chang-Hyeok
Amyloidosis is known as a disease caused by the deposition of a insoluble and fibrous amyloid protein in the extracellular space of various organs and tissue. Intestinal amyloid deposition may develop motility disturbance, malabsorption, bleeding and perforation. A 70-year old woman with lower abdominal pain, watery diarrhea was admitted and had the
past history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension for 8 years and rheumatoid arthritis for 10 year. On colonoscopic examination for evaluation of diarrhea, multiple edematous and shallow ulcers was found from distal sigmoid to terminal ileum. A green colored positive birifringent stained amorphous material was found in polarizing microscopy of colon biopsy specimen stained with Congo-red on microscopic examination,. We report a case of amyloidosis causing colon ulcers confirmed by colonoscopic biopsy with review literature.
Amyloidosis, Colitis
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