KMID : 0358219920190020117
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1992 Volume.19 No. 2 p.117 ~ p.124
Dependence of Mouse Embryonic Development in vitro on the Exposed Period to Oviductal Environment
Development in vitro of 2-cell mouse embryos was examined after appropriate exposure to oviductal milieu to demonstrate biological activity present in the oviducts. ICR and (C57B1/6¡¿Balb/c) F1 hybrid mice were superovulated and mated for the
of early embryos. Embryos were recoverd at every 2h intervals from 32h post-hCG (hph) to 56 hph. The proportions of developmental stages were determined in the recovered embryos. Development in vitro of 2-cell embryos was more rapid in F1 hybrid
than in
ICR, showing high proportions of 4-cell embryo and blastocyst at 120 hph. 100% of blastocyst development was obtained at 38hph in F1 hybrid and at 50 hph in ICR when 2-cell embryos were cultured upto 120hph in vitro. Moreover, in vitro culture of
oviducts containing 2-cell embryos in ICR mice for 12h from 34hph to 46hph increased developmental capacity of ICR mouse embryos in vitro. The results indicate that oviductal environment contains substances having mitogenic activity and
cell block in vitro. The mitogenic activity is effective in vitro as well as in vivo.
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