KMID : 0358219930200030201
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1993 Volume.20 No. 3 p.201 ~ p.208
Correlation between Fertilization Rate and Human Follicular Fluid Prostaglandin E2 Prostaglandin F2, Prostaglandin E2: Prostaglanding F2 Ratio
Ultrasonography has been routinely used in determining follicular maturation. But recently there are reports that a proportion of organic components in the follicular fluid may be employed as parameters. That is, prostaglandin E2, prostaglandin
steroid hormones, estradiol, and progesterone in the follicular fluid has been suggested to be possible parameters for follicular maturation. However, studies on such organic compounds are still being conducted with controversy regarding
rte in In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) and its relationship with pregnancy rate. The author studied 42 patients from April, 1992 to March, 1993 who underwent IVF-ET at the Infertility Clinic, Department of Obstetrics and
Yonsei University College of Medicine. Their age distibution showed 10 in the 20-29 group, 26 in the 30-39 group, 6 over 40, and the minimal and maximal ages were 26 and 46 years, respectively, Reason for infertility was 19 cases of male factor
infertility, 18 cases of tubal abnormalities, 3 cases of uterine abnormalities, 3 cases of unknown etiology, and 1 case with tubal abnormality accompanied by male factor infertility.
From human follicular fluid obtained from ovaries after superovulation, the levels of PG E2, PG F2a, PG E2: PG F2a ratio were measured and their relationships with fertilization rate, pregnancy rate, and maximal follicular diameter were analyzed
and the
following results were obtained.
1. Among a total of 42 cases, there were 30 fertilizations, and 12 nonfertilizations showing a fertilization rate of 71.4%, and there were 4 cases of pregnancy among the 30 cases of fertilization, representing a 13.3% pregnancy rate.
2. Comparing the follicular fluid levels of PG E2, PG F2a, and PG E2: PG F2a ratio between the fertilization and nonfertilization group, there was no significant difference between the two groups.
3. Comparing the follicular fluid levels of PG E2, PG F2a, PG E2: PG F2a ratio between the pregnancy and nonpregnancy group from the 30 cases of embryo transfer, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups.
4. Comparing the follicular fluid levels of PG E2, PG F2a, and PG E2: PG F2a ratiol with the maximal follicular diameter obtained by vaginal sonography during ovum pick up, there was no significant difference between each parameter.
Therefore, this study showed that the levels of PG E2, PG F2a PG E2: PG F2a ration in the follicular fluid was not adequate as a marker for predicting fertilization rate and pregnancy rate after IVF-ET. Also, there was no correlation between each
parameter and follicular maturation, and consequently it was considered to be inadequated in replacing ultrasonography in the predicting follicular maturation.
At the present time, measurements of follicular size which is routinely performed with ultrasonography and assistant parameters such as serum estradiol etc. is probably the best method in selecting mature follicles.
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