These experiments were carried out to investigate fertilization rate and developmental rate after partial zona dissected or zona drilled mouse oocyte in various sperm count in IVF.
@ES The results were as follows:
@EN There was no significant difference in fertilization rate between control and micromanipulation group (control, 86.7%; PZD, 88.8%; ZD, 80.0%) in 1¡¿10E5/ml sperm concentration, significantly higher fertilization rte was reported after PZD
and ZD (90.6%), compared with control group (59.6%) and in 1¡¿10E4/ml sperm concentration, significantly more oocytes were fertilized ZD (79.7%) compared with after PZD (26.2%).
There was no significant difference in polyspermy among three groups at various sperm concentrations (control, 0.0-3.4%; PZD, 0.0-6.3%; ZD, 0.0-10.8%).
The proportion of zygotes developed to the blastocyst stage was not different between the techniques (control, 75.6-100%; PZD, 73.3-81.2%; ZD, 82.7-86.3%) at various sperm concentrations.
But hatching rate after ZD (67.2-78.1%) was significantly higher compared with controls (11.3-50.0%) and after PZD (11.1-29.1%).
The results demonstrate that PZD and ZD were safe effective method of increasing the efficency of fertilization in vitro and may by useful method in infertile couples suffering from oligospermia.