KMID : 0358219930200030253
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1993 Volume.20 No. 3 p.253 ~ p.266
Expreession of Exogenous Gene(SV 40 early/LacZ) during Preimplantation Development after Microinjection into Mouse Fertilized Eggs
Simian virus early LacZ gene (SV40 early/LacZ gene: size 6170bp, linear form) was introduced into fertilized mouse (ICR) eggs by microinjection.
LacZ gene expression during development was examined by X-gal staining.
@ES The following results were obtained:
@EN 1. Of 455 microinjected embryos which were cultured for 72-96 hours, 324 embryos (71.2%) developed to normal 2-cel stage and 44% embryos developed to morula stage and 41.1% embryos were reached to blastocyst stage.
2. After injection of 5ng/ul 29.4% of those DNA and 41.4% of those injected with 1ng/¥ìl of DNA developed to blastocyst stage.
3. The gene expression rate of embryos injected with 1ng/¥ìl of DNA was 7.9%, wherease those injected with 5ng/¥ìl of DNA injection the same expression rate was 23.9%.
4. Some of the embryos exhibited a pattern of whole blastomere staining while others showed a pattern of mosaic blastomere staining.
Throughout this study, it can be concluded that mouse embryos are able to express a foreign gene introduced into themselves. And in case of LacZ gene as in shown his study, its expression is not limited to a particular development stage in vitro.
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