The study has been carried out in order to evaluate the effects of embryonic stage, and cryopreservation method on the rates of viability and development of the cryopreserved mouse early embryos. @ES The results were as following: @EN In the
steps of cryoprotectant, for the fertilized oocyte with pronucleus (PN), 2-step was better than the others. And for the other embryos, 4-step was better than 2- or 2-step. In respect to the embryonic stage, as the embryos developed from
oocytes to 8-cell embryos, the rates of viability and development were increased higher. Therefore, 8-cell embryo was better stage than the others. In respect to the kind of cryoprotectants, PROH was better than DMSO for the fertilized oocyte, as
cryoprotectant. DMSO, for the 2-cell embryos and PROH and DMSO for the 4- and 8-cell embryos were suitable for cryopreservation.