KMID : 0358219950220020155
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1995 Volume.22 No. 2 p.155 ~ p.162
The Effect of the Ovarian Steroid Hormone on the Differenciation of the Pseudopregnanct Rat Uterus.
The present investigation has been undertaken to elucidate the differentiation mechanism the uterus which is the environment of the embryo development by demonstrating the role of ovarian steroids hormone I the decidualization of the
To determine the effect of ovarine steroids and artificial stimulation (trauma) on the differenciation of the uterine endometrium and decidualization for implantation, attempt was made to measure concentrations of serum estradiol (E2),
and nuclear P4 receptor in the traumatized and non-traumatized uterine tissue of the pseudopregnant rat.
@ES The results obtained are as following: @EN The concentration of serum E2 on day 9 (implantation stage) was similar in both of intact pseudopregnant rat (47.63pg/ml) and normal pregnant rat (40.71pg/ml). And among the treated groups, E2
was highest in the E2 treated group in comparision with intact control group (relative value; 73.27%). The concentration of serum P4 was also highest in the P4 treated group (23.12pg/ml). Relative value of P4 treated group in comparision with
group (24.88pg/ml) was 92.93%.
The nuclear P4 receptor levels in the artificial traumatized groups were higher compared with the non-traumatized control groups.
This study, therefore, clearly demonstrates that the methods for inducing pseudopregnant (vagina tapping; 120/min) and inducing decidualization (oil injection; 0.1ml/uterine horn) appear to be effective, P4 appears to be effective in the
of the uterine endometrial tissue for the implantation process.
Concentration of serum P4 seems to be well correlated with the level of the nuclear P4 receptor during the early embryo development.
These results seem to be well correlated with ALPase activities in the normal and pseudopregnant rat uterus shown in the previous study.
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