KMID : 0358219950220030279
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1995 Volume.22 No. 3 p.279 ~ p.286
Mitochondrial Distribution and Methionine Uptake in Fragmented and Non-fragmented Embryos Derived from Multi-pronuclei Zygotes in Human In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Program
Despite the frequent incidence of embryo fragmentation in early human embryos, the reason of the embryo fragmentation has not been known yet. This study was conducted to investigate the histological difference(s) between fragmented (FR) and
non-fragmented (NFR) human embryos focusing on comparison of mitochondrial distribution and protein synthesis. Multi-pronuclei zygotes (MPZ) such as three or more pronuclei containing in human in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET)
were used for this study. MPZ were cultured in TCM-199 supplemented with 10% of human fetal cord serum (hFCS) in %% CO2 incubator at 37¡É for 24 hours. The cleaved embryos to 2-4 cells after 24 hours were grouped by their grade of fragmentation.
were stained with Rhodamine 123 (Rh123) and fluorescence was evaluated under the fluorescence microscope through PB 450-490 filter (Leitz). Regarding to protein synthesis during early human embryogenesis, there is no significant difference in the
of synthetic proteins between FR and NFR embryos. Distribution of cytoplasmic organelles in embryos was evaluated by transmission electron microscope (TEM). The cytoplasmic distribution of mitochondria was different between FR and NFR embryos.
mitochondrial distribution was even in NFR, whereas severely aggregated in FR. It is not able to clarify in the present study whether this uneven mitochondrial distribution in FR embryo is the reason for embryo fragmentation or is the result from
fragmentation. Physiological disparity related to he mitochondrial distribution may be one of the reasons for embryo fragmentation. Further studies should be addressed to investigate the physiological differences between FR and NFR embryos.
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