KMID : 0358219960230030311
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1996 Volume.23 No. 3 p.311 ~ p.318
Effects of Mycoplasma Infection on Semen Parameters (in Normal Human Semen)
Mycoplasmas have long been suspected of contributing to involuntary infertility in couples. However considerable disagreement exits concerning the role of genital mycoplasma infection in human infertility. Several investigators have noted
in the semen analysis of men with positive mycoplasma cultures, and early epidemiologic studies indicated that Ureaplasma urealyticum was linked to human reproductive failure on the basis of higher frequencies of isolation from infertile versus
couples and successful pregnancies in infertile couples after doxycycline therapy. However, subsequent investigators have questioned these findings because there are many studies in which treatment for mycoplasma in the male or female did not
demonstrate an improved pregnancy rate, and semen samples form unexplained infertile men containing ureaplasmas have not revealed poorer motility, fewer spermatozoa and more aberrant forms.
The objective of this study were no investigate the incidence rate of mycoplasma in semen and to investigate whether the presence of mycoplasma in semen makes significant difference to the semen volume, sperm motility and sperm counts. The
that the rate of isolation of mycoplasma species was 70.3%. Semen volume is 2.84¡¾1.01ml for culture negative and 3.15¡¾1.42ml for culture positive group. Sperm motility is 46.23¡¾15.80% for culture negative and 50.09¡¾15.69% for culture positive
and sperm count is 95.47¡¾47.14 (¡¿(P)10E6/ml) for culture negative and 86.73¡¾47.59 (¡¿10E6/ml) for culture positive group. In conclusion, we suggest that the presence of mycoplasma in semen makes no significant differences to the sperm
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