KMID : 0358220010280010041
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 2001 Volume.28 No. 1 p.41 ~ p.46
The Effect of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor on Embryos to the Blastocyst Formation
¹ÎºÎ±â/Bu Kie Min
¿À¼ö¹Ì/±è±â¼®/È«±â¿¬/±èÈÆ¿µ/½ÉÀç·®/¹Ú½ÂÅÃ/Soo Mi Oh/Kie Suk Kim/Gi Youn Hong/Hun Young Kim/Jea Ryang Sim/Seung Teak Park
LIF, IVF, Embryo, Blastocyst, Cell Block,
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