KMID : 0358220010280040271
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 2001 Volume.28 No. 4 p.271 ~ p.278
Stimulation by EGF, bFGF and GnRH of Ovarian Pituitary Adenylate Cylase-Activating Polypeptide Gene Expression in Cultured Rat Preovulatory Follicles
ÀÌ¿©ÀÏ/Yu Il Lee
¹ÚÁö¿µ/¹ÚÁ¤È£/¹ÚÇöÁ¤/¹ÚÇöÁ¤/¹èÁ¤¾Æ/Àü»ó¿µ/Jy Young Park/Jeong Ho Park*/Hyun Jeong Park/Hyun Jeong Park/Jeong Ah Bae/Sang Young Chun
PACAP, EGF, bFGF, GnRH, Preovulatory follicle,
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