KMID : 0358220060330020085
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 2006 Volume.33 No. 2 p.85 ~ p.95
Association of the CYP1B1 Gene Polymorphism with the Risk of Advanced Endometriosis in Korean Women
Cho Yun-Jin
Hur Sung-Eun Lee Ji-Young Song In-Ok Koong Mi-Kyoung Moon Hye-Sung Chung Hye-Won
Objective: To investigate whether polymorphisms of gene encoding CYP1B1 is associated with the risk of endometriosis in Korean women.
Methods: We investigated 199 patients with histopathologically confirmed endometriosis rAFS stage III/IV and 183 control group women who were surgically proven to have no endometriosis. The genetic distribution of four different CYP1B1 polymorphisms at G119-T, G432-C, T449-C, and A453-G were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism of PCR products.
Results: We found no overall association between each individual CYP1B1 genotype and the risk of endometriosis. The odds ratio of genotype GG/GC+GG/TC+TT/AA compared to GG/CC/CC/AA (reference) was calculated as 2.06 with a 95% confidence interval of 1.003~4.216.
Conclusions: This results suggest that CYP1B1 genetic polymorphism may be associated with development of endometriosis in Korean women.
Endometriosis, CYP1B1, Genetic polymorphism
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