KMID : 0358220060330030179
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 2006 Volume.33 No. 3 p.179 ~ p.187
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Aneuploidy Screening in Patients with Poor Reproductive Outcome
Kim Jin-Yeong
Lim Chun-Kyu Cha Sun-Hwa Park Soo-Hyun Yang Kwang-Moon Song In-Ok Jun Jin-Hyun Park So-Yeon Koong Mi-Kyoung Kang Inn-Soo
Objectives: The risk of aneuploidies of embryos increases in advanced maternal age or parental karyotype abnormality and it results in poor reproductive outcomes such as recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) or repeated implantation failure (RIF). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy screening (PGD-AS) can be applied for better ART outcome by selecting chromosomally normal embryos. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical outcome of PGD-AS and which group can get much benefit from PGD-AS among the patients expected to have poor reproductive outcome.
Methods: In 42 patients, 77 PGD cycles were performed for aneuploidy screening. Patients were allocated to 3 groups according to the indication of PGD-AS: group I-patients with old age (¡Ã37) and RIF more than 3 times (n=11, mean age=42.2 yrs.), group II-patients with RSA (¡Ã 3 times) associated with aneuploid pregnancy (n=19, mean age=38.9 yrs.), group III-parental sex chromosome abnormality or mosaicism (n=18, mean age=29.6 yrs.) including Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome and 47,XYY. PGD was performed by using FISH for chromosome 13, 16, 18, 21, X and Y in group I and II, and chromosome X, Y and 18 (or 17) in group III.
Results: Blastomere biopsy was successful in 530 embryos and FISH efficiency was 92.3%. The proportions of transferable embryos in each group were 32.5¡¾17.5%, 23.0¡¾21.7% and 52.6¡¾29.2% (mean ¡¾ SD), respectively, showing higher normal rate in group III (group II vs. III, p<0.05). The numbers of transferred embryos in each group were 3.9¡¾1.5, 1.9 1¡¾ .1 and 3.1¡¾1.4 (mean ¡¾ SD), respectively. The clinical pregnancy rates per transfer was 0%, 30.0% and 20.0%, and it was significantly higher in group II (group I vs. group II, p<0.05). The overall pregnancy rate per transfer was 19.6% (10/51) and the spontaneous abortion rate was 20% (2/10) of which karyotypes were euploid. Nine healthy babies (one twin pregnancy) were born with normal karyotype confirmed on amniocentesis.
Conclusion: Our data suggests that PGD-AS provides advantages in patients with RSA associated with aneuploidy or sex chromosome abnormality, decreasing abortion rate and increasing ongoing pregnancy rate. It is not likely to be beneficial in RIF group due to other detrimental factors involved in implantation.
PGD, Aneuploidy, FISH, RIF, RSA
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