KMID : 0358220060330040265
Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 2006 Volume.33 No. 4 p.265 ~ p.272
Effect of the Isolation Method of Mouse Inner Cell Mass, Types of Feeder Cells and Treatment Time of Mitomycin C on the Formation Rate of ICM Colony
Jang Ho-Jin
Ko Gyoung-Rae Kim Mi-Kyung Na Yong-Jin Lee Kyu-Sup
Objective: This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of the isolation methods of inner cell mass from mouse blastocyst, types of feeder cells and treatment time of mitomycin C on the formation rate of ICM colony.
Methods: The inner cells were isolated by conventional immunosurgery, partial trophoblast dissection with syringe needles and whole blastocyst co-culture method. Commercially available STO and primary cultured mouse embryonic fibroblast (pMEF) feeder cells were used, and mitomycin C was treated for 1, 2 or 3 hours, respectively. The formation rate of ICM colony was observed after isolation of ICM and culture of ICM on the feeder cells for 7 days.
Result: The ICM colony formation rate on STO were significantly higher in partial trophoblast dissection group (58%) than that in immunosurgery (12%) or whole blastocyst culture (16%) group (p<0.05). The formation rate on pMEF feeder layer was higher in partial trophoblast dissection (88%) and whole blastocyst culture (82%) group than that in immunosurgery (16%) group (p<0.05). When mitomycin C treated to pMEF for 2 hours, the formation rate of 88% was significantly higher than those of other conditions.
Conclusion: Above results showed that the efficient isolation method of ICM from blastocyst was the partial trophoblast dissection and the appropriate treatment time of mitomycin C was 2 hours. However, the subculture of ICM colony and characterization of stem cells should be carried out to confirm the efficacy of the partial trophoblast dissection method.
ICM colony, Feeder layer, Isolation method, Mitomycin C
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