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KMID : 0359019840040010020
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1984 Volume.4 No. 1 p.20 ~ p.27
A Clinical Observation of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding, with Special Reference to Factors Influencing the Outcome
½Åµ¿È£/Shin DH
¼­Á¤´ë/Á¤¼±±Ù/±è±¤ÀÍ/ÇÔÁؼö/±âÃá¼®/¹Ú°æ³²/Suh JD/Jeung SK/Kim KI/Hahm JS/Kee CS/Park KN
In a study of 460 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding admitted in Han Yang University Hospital during the 6 year period 1978-1983 inclusive, the following results were obtained.
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