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KMID : 0359019840040010028
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1984 Volume.4 No. 1 p.28 ~ p.34
Pediatric Colonoscopy
Eung-Bum Park
Diagnostic and therapeutic exploration with flexible colonofiberscope has heen developed since last 15 years. During that time some endoscopist has been developing pediatric colonoseopy aind getting good results with the advent of new pediatric colonoscope, PCF, aince 1981. I experienced 25 cases of pediatric colonoscopy at the department of surgery of the Ewha Womane University Hospital during last 10 montha(1984 1-1984 10). Clinical analysis of 25 cases of pediatric colonoscopy were made and with my experienee and review of literatures, technical succees and failure rate, time needed for peciatric colonoscopy and comparison of Colonoscopy and barium enema were presented.
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